Bolder Giving - Give More, Risk more, Inspire more
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Sorry, there was an error: Undefined variable $keep
Sorry, there was an error: Undefined variable $keep
In the News
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Generosity on a Middle-Class Income

Sep 24th, 2010 - Chronicle of Philanthropy
Richard Semmler, a mathematics professor at Northern Virginia Community College, in Annandale, works two additional jobs so he can earn enough money to give away half of his $100,000 income each year.
In addition to his financial donations, Mr. Semmler volunteers with some of the charities he supports, including Central Union Mission, in Washington.
In this video, he talks about his commitment to Central Union, which works with homeless people, and how giving at this level affects his...

Click for pdf: Facebook's CEO Gives $100-Million to Fix Schools

Facebook's CEO Gives $100-Million to Fix Schools

Sep 23rd, 2010 - Chronicle of Philanthropy
Mark Zuckerberg, the 26-year-old chief executive of Facebook, has announced that he is giving $100-million to improve the public school system in Newark, N.J.
The money, which will come from Mr. Zuckerberg’s Facebook stock holdings, will go into a foundation he is establishing to support the effort.
This is the first such publicized charitable donation from the young entrepreneur, who is worth at least $6.9-billion according to Forbes magazine. He ranks No. 35 on...

Interview with Jason Franklin and David Callahan

Sep 22nd, 2010 - WPFW Pacifica Radio
“What’s at Stake” interview with Jason Franklin and David Callahan

A California Couple’s Faith Motivates Big Giving

California Tech Entrepreneur and His Family Dig Deep to Live Out Religious Values
Sep 19th, 2010 - Chronicle of Philanthropy
When he got offered a job at the technology company EarthLink, Tom Hsieh hesitated.
Could he start early and leave at 3 p.m.?, he asked his would•bebosses. They looked at him with bemusement. This was the mid-1990s, when working in high-tech often meant ordering in pizza and sleeping at the office. But Mr. Hsieh, who’d become committed to Christian ideals of serving the poor as a college student, explained that he needed to be home early so he could tutor neighborhood kids...

Making an Investment in Others

Sep 19th, 2010 - Chronicle of Philanthropy
Jill A. Warren, nonprofit consultant (West Bloomfield, Mich.)
How much she makes: Ms. Warren, 51, and her husband, the Rev. Robert D. Schoenhals, 60, a Methodist minister, typically earn just over $100,000 when they are both working.
How much she gives: Between 30 and 60 percent of her and her husband’s income, for a total of $520,000 over their 17 years of marriage. The couple gives away what they would be spending on rent or a mortgage if the Methodist church...

Working 3 Jobs to Give More Away

Sep 19th, 2010 - Chronicle of Philanthropy
Richard Semmler, Mathematics professor (Annandale, Va.)
How much he makes: Slightly more than $100,000.
How much he gives: About half of his income, for a total of about $1.2-million to date. In addition to his professorship, Mr. Semmler, 64, does maintenance work at his apartment complex and editing for an author so he can earn enough to give half of his money away. “I get quite a bit of satisfaction out of it,” he says, “of trying to make a difference...

Working-Class Background Motivates Gifts

Sep 19th, 2010 - Chronicle of Philanthropy
Pilar Gonzales, philanthropic adviser and consultant (Oakland, Calif.)
How much she makes: Expects to earn between $25,000 and $45,000 this year. How much she gives: Around 25 percent of her income, though it varies from year to year.
Why she gives: Growing up in rural Michigan, Ms. Gonzales, 56, didn’t have much. But her grandparents, who were migrant farm workers, taught her to share the fruits and vegetables she grew. She felt empowered: “That...

Click for audio

Billionaires and Other Big Givers - What Difference Does it Make

Sep 9th, 2010 - KGNU Radio
"Its the Economy" with Bolder Giving, the organization that inspired Gates and Buffett

Gates and Buffet pledged to give away half of their billions, but even everyday folks are stepping forward as "big givers." What does it mean for the economy? For impact on the issues that matter? For the giver? with Bolder Giving director Jason Franklin and "big giver" Jill Warren.

How to Incorporate Philanthropy Into Your Business

Giving back can creates advantages in the for-profit world.
Aug 23rd, 2010 - Inc. Magazine
Recently divorced Mike Hannigan was in a grocery store looking for spaghetti sauce when he came across Newman's Own for the first time. Discovering that all the profits of the competitively priced brand were donated to charity made something to click for the office products company manager.
"As a consumer I wasn't making any sacrifice," he says. "Use business as a tool to accomplish a community goal — it made perfect sense."
In 1991 Hannigan started the...

The Inspired Legacies Team sings along with Bolder Giving’s Jason Franklin

Philadelphia and the work Tracy Gary so elegantly led with Inspired Legacies ,was not just about philanthropy, economics and philanthropic advising, it was also about  getting to know each other and having fun.  So when team member Jason Franklin said he had something to share ,we sat up and took notice. When he belted out a song in his big voice, on philanthropy and giving, to the tune of Summertime,  we cheered him on.
And after his solo,  we accompanied him as back up. Now...

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