Bolder Giving - Give More, Risk more, Inspire more
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Sorry, there was an error: Undefined variable $showmenu
Sorry, there was an error: Undefined variable $keep
Sorry, there was an error: Undefined variable $keep
In the News
Click for pdf: Charitable Connection

Charitable Connection

American women are poised to become major influencers in the world of philanthropy, shaping social policy around the globe for future generations. OppenheimerFunds' research found that women now control more than half of the wealth in the U.S. and make 80% of purchases. Data from the IRS suggests that women donate more of their wealth than do men. This transfer of economic power comes at a crucial time for philanthropy as the current market environment has made it extremely ...

Click for pdf: Super donors continue contributions despite economic woes

Super donors continue contributions despite economic woes

Mar 1st, 2009 - Alliance Magazine
A new survey, released in October 2008, shows that committed donors aim to stay the course despite the financial climate. Bolder Giving in Extraordinary Times, a US non-profit initiative committed to inspiring and supporting people to give at their full potential, conducted the survey to gauge how their constituents are responding to tough financial times. Of their respondents, 52 per cent planned to maintain their personal giving, 21 per cent intended to increase it, and 17 per cent expected...

The Business of Giving: Give More, Not Less

The money you give away may help your bottom line the most.
Dec 17th, 2008 - Minyanville
As the head of a charity, I’ve been hearing that many corporate charitable budgets are being slashed for 2009. But I found a silver lining: There are some that are actually increasing their giving for this coming year.
Of those people who already donate a whopping 50% or more of their income to charity, the majority plan to maintain their high level of giving, and 18% plan to actually give a little more. This is according to a report from Bolder Giving in Extraordinary...

Be Good, Do Good

Is this really a time for generosity?
Nov 30th, 2008 - Boston Globe
On the cover of the November 9 magazine you ask, "Is this really a time for generosity?" In October, we surveyed donors from across the country, asking how the economic downturn would affect their giving this fall. Over half the respondents plan to maintain their giving levels, and 22 percent will actually be increasing their amounts. At least among committed givers, this is definitely a time for generosity -- because they know it's a time of greater need.
Anne Ellinger

Click for pdf: Family Makes 200k a Year and Gives Most of it Away

Family Makes 200k a Year and Gives Most of it Away

Who on earth would make $200,000, and give away all but $48,000 of it?
Who would hunker down in the hood when they can afford the heights?
Tom and Bree Hsieh. That's who.
The couple belongs to a club made up of people who donate at least half their salary to charity for at least three years straight.
It's called the 50 % League and it grew out of Bolder Giving, an organization started in 2007 by Boston suburb philanthropists Anne and Christopher Ellinger. The...

Inspiring people to give more away

Christopher Ellinger '78
Oct 5th, 2008 - Princeton Alumni Weekly
Americans on average give away 2.4 percent of their household income per year. Christopher Ellinger ’78 thinks most Americans can do better. So Ellinger, who by his mid-30s had given away half of his large inheritance from his grandparents, last year started Bolder Giving in Extraordinary Times, an initiative that encourages people to part with more of their discretionary money and in turn gain the satisfaction of serving causes they deeply care about.
Based in Arlington,...

Click for pdf: Look Who's Being Generous!

Look Who's Being Generous!

Public displays of philanthropy are often frowned upon. But should we care what motivates the giver?
Jun 22nd, 2008 - The Guardian
Jesus said we should give alms in private rather than when others are watching. That fits with the commonsense idea that if people do good in public they may be motivated by a desire to gain a reputation for generosity. Perhaps when no one is looking they are not generous at all.
That thought may lead us to disdain the kind of philanthropy that leads to donors' names being prominently displayed on concert halls, art museums and college buildings. Often, names are stuck not only...

Extrordinary Stories of People Who Give Boldly (over 50% of thier income!)

Philanthropy in Extraordinary Times: How Much Do We Give?
Jun 22nd, 2008 - Live & Love Richly
Studio Guests: Anne & Christopher Ellinger, Pilar Gonzales, Lauire Emrich, Richard Semmler

Blatant Benevolence

Jun 13th, 2008 - Project Syndicate
PRINCETON – Jesus said that we should give alms in private rather than when others are watching. That fits with the commonsense idea that if people only do good in public, they may be motivated by a desire to gain a reputation for generosity. Perhaps when no one is looking, they are not generous at all.
That thought may lead us to disdain the kind of philanthropic graffiti that leads to donors’ names being prominently displayed on concert halls, art museums, and college buildings. Often,...

Extreme Charity

For members of the philanthropic group Bolder Giving, generosity pays.
May 1st, 2008 - Sojourners Magazine
You’ve heard of extreme makeovers, and extreme sports. But extreme charity? At least one group is encouraging people to go far beyond the typical levels of charitable giving, by challenging “the cultural norms and stereotypes about what is prudent and possible to give.”
Average charitable giving per household in 2005 was estimated to be 2.2 percent of disposable (after-tax) income, according to Giving USA, an annual compendium of philanthropy statistics. Some studies show that the...

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