Bolder Giving - Give More, Risk more, Inspire more
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Sorry, there was an error: Undefined variable $menu_pulldown
Sorry, there was an error: Undefined array key 2
Sorry, there was an error: Undefined variable $showmenu
Sorry, there was an error: Undefined variable $keep
Sorry, there was an error: Undefined variable $keep
In the News
Click for pdf: Wealthy Americans Urged to Give Billions to Charitable Causes

Wealthy Americans Urged to Give Billions to Charitable Causes

Jun 16th, 2010 - Chronicle of Philanthropy
America’s richest people should commit at least 50 percent of their net worth to charity, three of the nation’s wealthiest citizens said today.
Warren Buffett, who has committed 99 percent of his fortune to charity, along with Bill and Melinda Gates, who have given more than $28-billion to their foundation and say they plan to give a significant portion of their remaining wealth to good causes, issued the pledge.
It follows meetings they have been holding...

Click for pdf: Buffett, Gates challenge fellow billionaires

Buffett, Gates challenge fellow billionaires

Jun 16th, 2010 - Globe and Mail
Bill Gates and Warren Buffett have launched what may be the largest fundraising campaign ever conceived – $600-billion (U.S.).
The two billionaires have already pledged, or given away, most of their fortunes and now they are pushing other billionaires to donate at least half their wealth.
The campaign, called The Giving Pledge, “is an effort to address society’s most pressing problems by bringing more dollars to philanthropy,” Mr. Gates and Mr....

Click for pdf: Couple's two-front battle aids Haiti

Couple's two-front battle aids Haiti

Pair raise funds, do relief work
Feb 2nd, 2010 - Boston Globe
Jim Ansara, a sturdy, 52-year-old former electrician from Boston, made his way to the devastated main hospital in the Haitian capital four days after the earthquake and went to work amid piles of lifeless bodies.
He found small generators and got them working. He spliced wires to light the makeshift operating rooms. He helped move patients around. For 12 days, working with Americans and Haitians, doctors and nurses, and hospital maintenance workers, he helped bring some order to the...

Click for pdf: Why do we give to disaster relief?

Why do we give to disaster relief?

Jan 22nd, 2010 - CNN
Children are selling pink lemonade in Austin, Texas. A Minnesota couple is giving away money that they saved for their wedding. Chelsea Clinton hosted a spinning class in New York on Thursday with front-row "seats" going for $1,000.
These are just some of the ways that people across the United States are raising money for earthquake relief efforts in Haiti. Hundreds of millions of dollars have already been contributed to help after the 7.0-magnitude earthquake that hit January...

Where will the money come from?

Many of us find our way into philanthropy because we want to be on the “resource side” of social change – to help get money to where it needs to go. And foundations certainly control a lot of money – The Foundation Center reports total giving in 2007 reached almost $43 billion.
But once we start doing this work, it can feel like our grant budgets are never big enough, especially in today’s context. We’re deep in an economic crisis where 50 million Americans are living in...

Click for audio

Giving a big chunk of it away

Jan 1st, 2010 - Marketplace Money
The Fifty Percent League is made up of people who believe it's their moral obligation to give away as much of their money as they can. Lisa Napoli looks at what inspires these folks to engage in "extreme giving."
TESS VIGELAND: Happy New Year, everyone! And may 2010 be all the things last year wasn't. Let's resolve to find jobs for every worker who wants one. And how about giving homeowners in foreclosure a second chance? Maybe credit card companies could borrow a heart from the...

Click for pdf: For retired Lake Minnetonka couple, giving has no season

For retired Lake Minnetonka couple, giving has no season

Bob and Polly McCrea are known for their philanthropy.
Dec 24th, 2009 - Star Tribune
Bob and Polly McCrea are the low-digit millionaires next door in a Lake Minnetonka area known for fabulous wealth.
They sold their successful small businesses more than a decade ago. Polly's was a custom-stationery business called the Collector's Gallery. Bob McCrea sold his interest in Colour Graphics in 1996.
Bob, 73, and Polly, 69, whose vitality belies their ages, live in the restored Long Lake farmhouse on 20 acres they bought in 1965 for $22,000. Bob still mows and...

Anti-capitalism and spirituality

Dec 19th, 2009 - Enough
Have y’all seen the website Bolder Giving? It’s all about people who give away lots of money – like, way more of their money than is normally sanctioned by capitalist society. It’s not very explicitly political, but a lot of the profiles are really amazing and radical. Anyway, I participated in a conference call they hosted the other day because I thought it would be interesting to report back for Enough. It was a conversation with Tom Hsieh, a high earning executive who...

Giving BIG

Dec 11th, 2009 - The Modern Robin Hood
I was a bit blown away by an online seminar I participated in last week. The theme was giving BIG. As in, giving away to charity as much as or more than you keep for yourself to live on. The concept intrigued me, and I thought… err… there is no way that masses of people would do this! A few altruistic angels, but… I just couldn’t get my head around it.
Take, for example, one of the seminar participants, Tom Hsieh. He and his wife have a one-year-old and live in L.A. with an average...

Click for pdf: Club members who give half their money away

Club members who give half their money away

Jul 16th, 2009 - San Francisco Chronicle
Most people give away at least some of their hard-earned cash.
Maybe they drop a few coins in the red kettles at Christmas, write a check now and then to the local food bank or the school fundraiser or throw some cash into the Sunday collection basket.
Berkeley's Mike Hannigan gives most of his money away.
It started in 1991. He had about $20,000 in his bank account and thought about all the good it could do in the world. But he decided not to give it away. Instead, he...

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