Bolder Giving - Give More, Risk more, Inspire more
Joshua Mailman

| Northeast | 40 to 59 Years Old | $10-$25M | at least 50% | Business | Inheritance |
| International | Social Justice | Investing | Impact |

Comments (1)

Posted on January 1st by Joy Oxley

Hi Joshua,
I don't know if you remember me from way back in 1979 in Middlebury; and the World Peace march in NYC where you gave me your futon to sleep on! Back then I was living with Dutch up in Lincoln gap.
I stumbled onto your website and was amazed to see your kind face 30 years later! What a trip.
Happy New Years! It's great to see all you have acomplished and that you carried your dream forward. I remember all the enthusiasm you had back then! Kinda contagious!
I have been a glass artist for the past 20 years; designing jewelry that seems to make people happy. I hope I make the world a little better with my art!
Well, I just thought I would say hi, and see if you might remember me!