Bolder Giving - Give More, Risk more, Inspire more
Elizabeth Sheehan

| Northeast | 60 plus Years Old | $10-$25M | at least 50% | Inheritance |
| Health | International | Passion |

Comments (1)

Posted on January 22nd by Anonymous

Training & Development of local staff in recipient countries

Thanks for a wonderful session and your thoughtful answers to the diverse questions that were posed.  I notice that 2 Haitians are on your staff at C2C in the United States, and interested to know more about your charity's investment in the training and development of locals in recipient countries.  I often hear NGO managers indicate that funding and lack of training and capacity continue to affect their growth. Some feel that partner organizations could do more in the developing social capital in their countries and make training a critical component of problem-solving.  What is C2C's plan for Namibia in this regard?  Thank you.

Adjoa Acquaah-Harrison, Ghana, West Africa