Drake Zimmerman and Jan Elfine
We live on 36 acres near Bloomington, Illinois. Having no kids, we have a full portfolio of causes, some local, some global, and write and teach widely. We support artists: underwriting shows and buying art. We co-founded Friends of Kickapoo Creek, a watershed group to expand greenways.
We tithe, 10% at least, giving over $10,000/year. We help nieces and nephews with their educations and decided $100,000 each is enough for them when we die. As we earn more we give more. Once we earn enough to generate greater surplus beyond our needs we plan to give 50% a year.
Beyond giving directly, I (Drake) have hired someone to edit and finish books that are “contributions.” More than once I paid expenses for or hired people to work on causes full time. I co-founded the local community foundation Rotarians Against Malaria. I also led a local Amnesty group and am now forming partnerships to help with child survival issues, e.g., safe water for all.
Jan: After teaching art at Illinois State University for 10 years in 1993 I began coaching and teaching coaching full time and train coaches in programs in London, Copenhagen, and Shanghai. My favorite exercise: how to do you vote with your time, your money, your energy?
Drake: I taught investments and business law at Illinois Wesleyan. I help families create a Bigger Pie for themselves, their families and causes. I’m overeducated, JD, CFA, CFP, 1st Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy, certified coach. | Midwest | at least 50% | | Education | Health | International |