In 1986 my mother passed and left me $350,000 [about $600,000 in today’s dollars]. For two years I gave small amounts away and used the income to support myself in work and projects I was drawn to. Then I had a crystal clear intuition that it was time to give it all away. In the next year I gave away 95% of my net worth. I felt greatly relieved in doing so because I was releasing what I didn't need and I was following my heart. Immediately after my giveaway, I fell in love and got married to a woman who had two children and very little money. Within a year I was in debt for the first (and only) time in my life. It was a spiritual test for me which lasted a year and has helped me to become totally trusting about my financial situation.
Since that test, I have always had enough and have basically stopped worrying about money. In 2002 I received another inheritance of about $1 million. I have given away about 10% so far, and I am slowly giving away small amounts. As before, my intention is to listen to my heart and use this money for the highest and best good of myself and all beings on Earth. My primary passions are helping people heal and grow spiritually and supporting the healing of our beloved Gaia. | South | 40 to 59 Years Old | $1-$10M | at least 50% | Inheritance | | Education | International | Faith |